Source code for nkdsu.monkey

Horrible hacks. Please ignore.

[docs] def patch() -> None: _replace_password_validators_help_text_html()
[docs] def _replace_password_validators_help_text_html() -> None: """ Don't use a ``<ul>`` to surface multiple password requirements against password fields. It's invalid HTML when used within an :meth:`~django.forms.Form.as_p`-rendered form, and browsers interpret the DOM structure wrong as a result. As far as Firefox is concerned, if we let Django do what it does by default, these help texts aren't within a ``.helptext`` element at all. I hope this is made unnecessary if we adopt the ``<div>``-based form renderer that becomes the default in Django 5.0. """ from django.utils.functional import lazy from django.contrib.auth import password_validation # make sure we're replacing something that exists: assert password_validation.password_validators_help_text_html def replacement(password_validators=None) -> str: """ Return an HTML string with all help texts of all configured validators, separated by `<br/>`. """ from django.utils.html import format_html, format_html_join from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe help_texts = password_validation.password_validators_help_texts( password_validators ) help_items = format_html_join( mark_safe('<br/>'), '{}', ((help_text,) for help_text in help_texts) ) return format_html('{}', help_items) password_validation.password_validators_help_text_html = lazy(replacement, str)