Setting up your local development environment is primarily built and developed on linux-based computers. I do not know how compatible with Windows it might be, so if you do want to develop on a Windows system, you probably want to use WSL. Running on macOS should be fine, as long as you have a package manager to install things with[1].

From hereon out, I’m going to assume that you are somewhat comfortable in a unix-like terminal and that you have a package manager you’re familiar with. I also will assume you have a copy of the git repository.

System packages

You will need to install some things with your system package manager:

Python 3.11

If Python 3.11 isn’t in your package manager, 3.10 might work. 3.9 definitely won’t. Barring major deprecations, I expect future versions to probably work.


npm will pull Node.js in as a dependency. The versions of these almost certainly don’t matter, since we do not run any part of itself using node. We only use it to pull in javascript and fonts and stuff that we will be serving on the website[2].

Headers for:
Python itself

Some of our dependencies are distributed in source form, which means you need the Python headers for them to install. This will probably be a package called something like python3.11-dev in your package manager.


You don’t have install PostgreSQL itself. There should be a package called something like libpq-dev in your package manager.

Python packages uses Poetry for managing Python dependencies. Consult their docs for details. The way I prefer to get up and running is to create a virtualenv, pip install poetry, and then poetry install. If you prefer to let Poetry manage its own environments, you’re welcome to do that instead.

If you get compiler errors when installing dependencies, please try to skim through them for pointers about what the problem might be. There’s a decent chance that compiler errors mean you don’t have the right headers installed.

npm packages

You don’t need to manually set up an environment for this one. Run npm install from the repository root and you should be all set. itself

To run the site in debug mode and not require a local PostgreSQL server, copy nkdsu/ to nkdsu/ is ignored by git, so if you have specific Django settings you want to apply, feel free to add them here. Then, to set up your local database, run python migrate.

You should now be able to do routine stuff; to run the development server, run python runserver. To run the tests, run pytest[3]. Have a look at the "scripts" section in package.json to see how to run the linters that get run in CI.

To build these docs, cd to the docs/ directory in the repository root, and then run make html.