Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import re
import string
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps
from os import environ
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.urls import reverse
import musicbrainzngs
from mypy_extensions import KwArg, VarArg
import requests

    from .models import Profile, Show, Track

UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0'
BUILDING_DOCS = bool(environ.get('BUILDING_DOCS'))

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

indefinitely: int = (
    (60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + (60 * 60) + 60
)  # one week, one hour and one minute

[docs] @dataclass class BrowsableItem: url: Optional[str] name: str visible: bool = True
[docs] def group(self) -> tuple[int, str]: """ Return a sort order and a user-facing name for the group to put this item in. By default, an initial letter. """ if not return (3, '') first_character =[0] if first_character in string.ascii_letters: return (0, first_character.lower()) elif first_character in string.digits: return (1, '0-9') else: return (2, '#')
[docs] @dataclass class BrowsableYear(BrowsableItem):
[docs] def group(self) -> tuple[int, str]: decade = (int( // 10) * 10 return (decade, f"{decade}s")
SHORT_URL_LENGTH: int = 20 READING_USERNAME: str = 'nkdsu'
[docs] def length_str(msec: float) -> str: """ Convert a number of milliseconds into a human-readable representation of the length of a track. >>> length_str(999) '0:00' >>> length_str(1000) '0:01' >>> length_str(1000 * (60 + 15)) '1:15' >>> length_str((60 * 60 * 1000) + (1000 * (60 + 15))) '1:01:15' """ seconds = (msec or 0) / 1000 remainder_seconds = seconds % 60 minutes = (seconds - remainder_seconds) / 60 if minutes >= 60: remainder_minutes = minutes % 60 hours = (minutes - remainder_minutes) / 60 return '%i:%02d:%02d' % (hours, remainder_minutes, remainder_seconds) else: return '%i:%02d' % (minutes, remainder_seconds)
[docs] def camel_to_snake(camel: str) -> str: """ >>> camel_to_snake('camelCaseABCD') 'camel_case_a_b_c_d' """ return re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda m: f'_{}', camel)
[docs] def track_with_get_param_url(tracks: Iterable[Track], url: str) -> str: """ Generate a URL for a view that uses :class:`.TracksFromGetParamMixin`. """ base = reverse(url) query = {'t': ','.join( for t in tracks)} return f'{base}?{urlencode(query)}'
[docs] def add_to_list_url(tracks: Iterable[Track]) -> str: return track_with_get_param_url(tracks, 'vote:add-to-list')
[docs] def vote_url(tracks: Iterable[Track]) -> str: return track_with_get_param_url(tracks, 'vote:vote')
[docs] def split_id3_title(id3_title: str) -> tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """ Take a 'Title (role)'-style ID3 title and return ``(title, role)``. >>> split_id3_title('title') ('title', None) >>> split_id3_title('title (role)') ('title', 'role') The role will be populated if we're able to find a set of matching brackets starting with the final character: >>> split_id3_title('title ((role)') ('title (', 'role') >>> split_id3_title('title ((r(o)(l)e)') ('title (', 'r(o)(l)e') But no role will be returned if the brackets close more than they open, or if the final character is not a ``)``: >>> split_id3_title('title (role) ') ('title (role) ', None) >>> split_id3_title('title (role))') ('title (role))', None) """ role = None bracket_depth = 0 for i in range(1, len(id3_title) + 1): char = id3_title[-i] if char == ')': bracket_depth += 1 elif char == '(': bracket_depth -= 1 if bracket_depth == 0: if i != 1: role = id3_title[len(id3_title) - i :] break if role: title = id3_title.replace(role, '').strip() role = role[1:-1] # strip brackets else: title = id3_title return title, role
[docs] def split_query_into_keywords(query: str) -> list[str]: """ Split the query into keywords. Where keywords are double quoted together, use as one keyword. >>> split_query_into_keywords('hello there, how are you doing') ['hello', 'there,', 'how', 'are', 'you', 'doing'] >>> split_query_into_keywords('hello there, "how are you doing"') ['how are you doing', 'hello', 'there,'] """ keywords = [] # Deal with quoted keywords while '"' in query: first_quote = query.find('"') second_quote = query.find('"', first_quote + 1) if second_quote == -1: break quoted_keywords = query[first_quote : second_quote + 1] keywords.append(quoted_keywords.strip('"')) query = query.replace(quoted_keywords, ' ') # Split the rest by spaces keywords.extend(query.split()) return keywords
T = TypeVar('T') C = TypeVar('C', bound=Callable[[VarArg(Any), KwArg(Any)], Any])
[docs] def memoize(func: C) -> C: """ Do nothing, for now; :func:`.lru_cache` does not get wiped for new instances of `self`, which is a problem when we need to catch updates. """ return func
[docs] def cached(seconds: int, cache_key: str) -> Callable[[C], C]: def wrapper(func: C) -> C: def wrapped(*a, **k) -> Any: def do_thing(func, *a, **k) -> Any: hit = cache.get(cache_key) if hit is not None: return hit rv = func(*a, **k) cache.set(cache_key, rv, seconds) return rv return do_thing(func, *a, **k) return cast(C, wrapped) return wrapper
[docs] def pk_cached(seconds: int) -> Callable[[C], C]: # does nothing (currently), but expresses a desire to cache stuff in future def wrapper(func: C) -> C: @wraps(func) def wrapped(obj, *a, **k): def do_thing(func, pk, *a, **k): return func(obj, *a, **k) return do_thing(func,, *a, **k) return cast(C, wrapped) return wrapper
[docs] def lastfm(**kwargs): params = { 'api_key': settings.LASTFM_API_KEY, 'api_secret': settings.LASTFM_API_SECRET, 'format': 'json', } params.update(kwargs) resp = requests.get('', params=params) return resp.json()
[docs] def assert_never(value: NoReturn) -> NoReturn: assert False, f'this code should not have been reached; got {value!r}'
[docs] def get_profile_for(user: User) -> Profile: try: return user.profile except ObjectDoesNotExist: from .models import Profile return Profile.objects.create(user=user)
[docs] def vote_edit_cutoff() -> Show: """ Return the last show for which vote comments should be editable. """ from .models import Show current = Show.current() prev = current.prev() return current if prev is None else prev
[docs] def clear_selection_if_matches(request: HttpRequest, tracks=Sequence['Track']) -> None: if { for t in tracks} == set(request.session.get('selection', [])): request.session['selection'] = []
musicbrainzngs.set_useragent('', '0', '')