Source code for

import re
from typing import TypedDict

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.http import HttpRequest
import requests
from social_core.backends.twitter import TwitterOAuth
from social_core.pipeline import DEFAULT_AUTH_PIPELINE
from social_django.strategy import DjangoStrategy

from .models import TwitterUser, avatar_upload_path

    'it is no longer possible to authenticate on with twitter, sorry. please'
    ' send a twitter direct message to @NekoDesuRadio if you did not already set a'
    ' password'

[docs] class DoNotAuthThroughTwitterPlease(BaseException): msg: str def __init__(self, msg: str) -> None: self.msg = msg
[docs] class UserDetailsDict(TypedDict): username: str fullname: str default_profile_image: bool profile_image_url_https: str
[docs] class NkdsuTwitterAuth(TwitterOAuth): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): redir = kwargs.get('redirect_uri') or '/' kwargs['redirect_uri'] = settings.SITE_URL + redir super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def auth_url(self) -> str: raise DoNotAuthThroughTwitterPlease(TWITTER_NOT_POSSIBLE)
[docs] def auth_allowed(self, response: dict, details: UserDetailsDict) -> bool: raise DoNotAuthThroughTwitterPlease(TWITTER_NOT_POSSIBLE)
[docs] def get_user_details(self, response: dict) -> UserDetailsDict: """ Like super().get_user_details(), but doesn't try to split names into first and last parts. """ return { 'username': response['screen_name'], 'fullname': response['name'], 'default_profile_image': response['default_profile_image'], 'profile_image_url_https': response['profile_image_url_https'], }
[docs] class NkdsuStrategy(DjangoStrategy): """ Django social auth respects the "PIPELINE" Django setting, which we're already using for django-pipeline, so we need to override that behaviour to ignore it. """
[docs] def get_pipeline(self, backend=None): return ( DEFAULT_AUTH_PIPELINE + ('',) + ('',) )
[docs] def adopt_twitter_metadata( request: HttpRequest, user: User, details: UserDetailsDict, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: profile = user.profile if (not details['default_profile_image']) and (not profile.avatar): try: url = details['profile_image_url_https'] avatar = ContentFile( requests.get(re.sub(r'_normal(?=\.[^.]+$)', '', url)).content ), ''), content=avatar) except requests.RequestException as e: messages.error( request, f'sorry, we were unable to retrieve your twitter avatar: {e!r}' ) if not profile.display_name: profile.display_name = details['fullname']