Source code for

import logging
from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Any

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


MIXCLOUD_FEED_URL = '{}/cloudcasts/'

[docs] def _get_cloudcasts(): # we should page through for a while, but at a certain point it probably # isn't worth the load times for page_index in range(20): url = MIXCLOUD_FEED_URL.format(settings.MIXCLOUD_USERNAME) ck = 'mixcloud:api-page:{}'.format(page_index) hit = cache.get(ck) if hit: page = hit else: try: resp = requests.get( url, params={ 'limit': MIXCLOUD_PAGE_LIMIT, 'offset': page_index * MIXCLOUD_PAGE_LIMIT, }, timeout=TIMEOUT, ) except requests.RequestException as e: # mission failed; we'll get 'em next time logger.exception(e) break try: page = resp.json() except JSONDecodeError: logger.exception(resp.text) return [] cache.set(ck, page, 60 * 20) data = page.get('data', []) if not data: break yield from data
[docs] def cloudcasts_for(date) -> list[Any]: hunting_for = date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') cloudcasts = [] for cloudcast in _get_cloudcasts(): matched_item = False if hunting_for in cloudcast['name']: cloudcasts.append(cloudcast) matched_item = True if cloudcasts and not matched_item: # we've matched something, and the next item isn't also a # match, which means we don't need to worry about the next item # being a match either; the only cases where a show has # multiple cloudcasts, they'll be adjacent break return sorted(cloudcasts, key=lambda c: c['created_time'])