Source code for

import os
import re
from itertools import chain
from typing import Iterable

import unicodedata2 as unicodedata

DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'emoji')
SEQUENCES_FN = 'emoji-sequences.txt'
ZWJ_SEQUENCES_FN = 'emoji-zwj-sequences.txt'

#: Emoji that should be included in the emoji suggestions dropdown
SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI: dict[str, str] = {}

#: Other emoji; allowed to be used, but not suggested due to there's too many of them
OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI: dict[str, str] = {}

    'Basic_Emoji': SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI,
    'Emoji_Keycap_Sequence': SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI,
    'RGI_Emoji_Flag_Sequence': SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI,
    'RGI_Emoji_Tag_Sequence': SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI,
    'RGI_Emoji_Modifier_Sequence': OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI,
    'Gendered': OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI,

[docs] def _get_emoji() -> Iterable[tuple[str, str, str]]: with open(os.path.join(DIR, SEQUENCES_FN)) as seq_f: for line in seq_f.readlines(): if match := re.match( r'^(' r'(?P<points>[0-9A-F ]+?)|' r'(?P<start>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.(?P<end>[0-9A-F]+)' r')\s*;\s*(?P<block>\S+)\s*; *(?P<name>.+?) *#.*$', line, ): groups = match.groupdict() if points := groups.get('points'): yield groups['block'], ''.join( chr(int(point, base=16)) for point in points.split(' ') ), groups['name'] else: for kp in range( int(groups['start'], base=16), int(groups['end'], base=16) + 1, 1, ): char = chr(kp) yield groups['block'], char,
[docs] def _get_zwj_sequences() -> Iterable[tuple[str, str, str]]: with open(os.path.join(DIR, ZWJ_SEQUENCES_FN)) as seq_f: group = '' for line in seq_f.readlines(): if match := re.match(r'^# RGI_Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence: (?P<group>.*)$', line): group = match.groupdict()['group'] continue if match := re.match( r'^' r'(?P<points>[0-9A-F *]+?) *' r';.*; *(?P<description>.+?) *#.*$', line, ): groups = match.groupdict() yield ( group, ''.join( (chr(int(point, 16)) for point in groups['points'].split(' ')) ), groups['description'], )
for group, char, name in chain(_get_emoji(), _get_zwj_sequences()): if name.startswith('emoji '): # don't suggest modifiers (eg. lone hair or skin tone indicators) OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI[char] = name else: GROUP_HOMES[group][char] = name # some checks that we've read stuff correctly:
[docs] def _check_emoji(src: dict[str, str], char: str, expected_name: str) -> None: assert ( src[char] == expected_name ), f'got {src[char]!r} for {char!r}, expected {expected_name!r}'
_check_emoji(SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI, '⭐', 'star') _check_emoji(SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI, '🐕‍🦺', 'service dog') _check_emoji(SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI, '🤯', 'shocked face with exploding head') _check_emoji(SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI, '🫟', 'splatter') _check_emoji(OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI, '🧑🏿‍🦳', 'person: dark skin tone, white hair') _check_emoji(OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI, '🦳', 'emoji component white hair') if __name__ == '__main__': from pprint import pprint pprint(SUGGESTABLE_EMOJI) pprint(OTHER_ALLOWED_EMOJI)